Came home yesterday to Nancy waving the Spring 2008 copy of SBC Surf, Canada's newest surf magazine. Slick! 164 pages of amazing photography and writing from Canada's surf scene and beyond, all printed on
FSC (Forest Stewardship Council) certified recycled paper. The boys at SBC Surf have really gotten it right as they move into their second year of putting together this great publication. From Clayoquot Sound to exploring Nova Scotia, to several stops in between, this mag is packed. Pick up your copy at most reputable book/magazine stores or from your local shop. And if you can't find it locally, you can always scoop a 4-issue
subscription for under 20 clams. Money well spent if you ask me.
I might have posted this photo once before,
but it definitely looks sweet in print.

Finished up a hockey tournament put on by the Ministry of Natural Resources today, which made me feel like a kid again. Pretty beat after that, but because we are gunning for the first surf in about 35 days tomorrow morning, my body will have to wait for any kind of serious recuperation. Surf's up....
Right on Eric. Great little piece and photo.
sweet. gonna grab it today.
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