Well, on the coldest night of the year thus far (-30C something plus a howling NW wind), Winston stopped by with his new, hot off the stand, blue home depot eps Pavel Superbank inspired retro quad fish...a-la lakes. Measuring in a 6'0 X 2 3/4 T X 22 W, it looks like it'll be a real glider on our smaller days. Setup with lokbox fin boxes it currently has some adapters to fit a set of FSC fins...Rainbow fins are on the way for our future shaping projects with Biofoam blanks and the lok box system. John Roland is largely responsible for the development of this board... the second to come out of his garage. He shaped a 10'0 last summer (and a real wave bandit at that) before starting on Winston's project. Anyways, someday when this deep freeze backs its wrath off, the new fish will go for a swim..until then...looks sweet and Winston is stoked... maybe you can tell.

woot! those pictures turned out great! maybe we will have it out on thursday or friday!!
Awesome! Great fish.
Get 'em Roland!
Nice San Diego shape for the great lakes.
Those are some sweet pic's Eric, you make the board shine! (or is it the glare of of winstons smile) Waiting for the maiden voyage, hoping for waves.
P.S My next board is going to be Balsa wood 8'4" appearing at shorebreaks near you spring 2008.
cool blog. look forward to more!
The blue insulation foam? What did Winston glass it with?
That thing looks sweeet.
Blue Dow insulation foam; plywood stringer and Resin research epoxy. Sweet looking indeed.
So Eric,
I'm intrigued. And I've done some research on the issue. Blue foam is supposed to delam a lot b/c of off-gassing. Were any measures taken to prevent this? I've read of people poking holes in the glass to allow for the off-gassing.
Understandably, it's pretty cold up there so I can understand that the of-gassing that is said to happen during exposure to heat might be such an issue.
Whoops, that should have read:
Understandably, it's pretty cold up there so I can understand that the off-gassing that is said to happen during exposure to heat might not be such an issue.
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