Harvesting the bounty of the woods. After spending a relaxing weekender out in the Lake of the Woods area an seeing that the blueberries were coming along nicely, Nance and i were nearly giddy with anticipation of what our.."secret spot" might have in store for us this year. Jetted out after dinner last night and to our delight, scored a solid 6 litres in just under 2 hours. Painless picking and a reckless display of gorging on blue fruit. Would have cooked it back out tonight, but thunder showers and a dinner invite left those juicy jumbos to grow another day. 20 litres should provide Nance and i with enough blues to sprinkle a couple of spoonfulls on our cereal every morning for a year....shweet!
Another fine GL's specimen.
Gearing for fall steel and an onslaught of salmonids.

photo's By: eric berglund
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