Know what's pretty rare? Summer surf on Lake Superior, all done under sunny skies. It's been well over 2 months since i've been out surfing and not a lot of days in there, where there was much surf to begin with. But yeah, some how, some way, managed to surf friday night, saturday and sunday. West South West winds, whipped up some fun ones after a big low moved through friday night. Nance and i booked it northeastward to the little northern hamlet of Terrace Bay, Sat. AM...on time for some wicked sessions with great people. Surfed well into the evening. Posted up at Jer's place for the night and then headed out for a mellow surf today. At this point, thoroughly surfed. Enjoy all.
Birds eye on Superior

Chris Joseph, formally of T-Bay and now living in Squamish, BC gets a fresh one.

hoot yeah!!
All photogs by the lovely and talented Nancy Berglund.
I was tied up at a fishing derby at Lac de milles Lac. Waves were big enough to surf. No chance of making it out, looks like everyone hada Swell time. Anyway good to see Chris headed out to Terrace anyway, I will have to give him a call later. Nice shots.
bad ass. Lake Superior is so beautiful.... never surfed the lakes though, but been there hundreds of times.
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