Goodgawd...107 days is way too long to go without surf!! Damn it felt refreshing to finally get in the lake yesterday. I'm pretty confident that that was the sentiment had by all. An early start revealed typical spring like, borderline surfable conditions, but like many sessions, the conditions improved with every set of waves...and correspondingly, so did the intensity of the driving sleet and snow, but hey, you can't have sunshine and lollipops all the time. Four or so hours later and none too worse for wear, stand by the fire...the wrenching pain of a surfless winter eased by the only medication that could remedy the feeling. peace. e

photographs by: eric berglund
Cutting edge.
can't imagine how stoked you'd be to live by the sea, where there's some power and consistency. I guess though that you'd miss the nordic activities.
i'm sure the trade off would make it bearable...but would definitely miss the nordic...
nice! back in the drink!
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