Peter Crooks, master trail groomer in these parts was right at ~1 A.M. on Saturday morning when he left his message from the cabin of the piston bully, on the "snow phone", reporting that the trail for the loppet looked like a carpet and would be "fast" come 9:30 AM; the start of the 32nd
Sleeping Giant Loppet, (formerly the Sibley Tour). Stupid fast actually. Mostly sunny, -2C, spring like, more like cordouroy and down the line laser fast. Being 5 and a half months pregnant Nance cruised her way through the 10km event rather than the 20km or say the 50km and enjoyed her ski, the family atmosphere and the morning. After geeking on wax for the last few days, i was pretty confident in my skis and had a fantastically fun 50km boot, coming in a full hour faster than last year. I was pretty pumped....anyways..needless to say 755 skiers, both locals and from abroad, couldn't have asked for a better day. See you out there next year ombres.
For good measure and to ensure full exhaustion, we made sure to get out for a ski this morning and hit up some tobogganing with the
kiddos this afternoon.
Scenes from the weekend.
Piston Bully layin down a snowy carpet.

About to go.

Post race enthusiasm.

photos by: eric berglund (except the last, in which case it was Nance)
1 comment:
rad. I've only skied cross country once, in Winnipeg -classic skies. I loved the feeling of glide and flow. in Halifax there's no cross. I'd have to drive oven an hour to get to a trail. thank God for surf. I'd go crazy otherwise.
congratulations on the amazing time. 1 hr off is a hell of cut.
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