North wind around 40 knots, air temp at -11C windchill around -25C. Empty line up and peeling head high glass perfection groomed by offshores for my bro-inlaw and i today.
Pretty unbelievable out there this morning. There is no doubt that the offshore forecast of waves in the 20' range existed and that the crew down on the south end of the lake rode some monsters. More later.
Fantastic! You must have had some nice rides. After seeing your shot I think I will venture down first thing in the morning to check for clean up swell if blow steady all night.
Fantastic! You must have had some nice rides. After seeing your shot I think I will venture down first thing in the morning to check for clean up swell if blow steady all night.
holy shit! that right looks really good.
Hell yeah. That looks awesome. I never see anything like that in my neck of the woods! I plan to surf Muskegon tomorrow.
Eric I just have to see more pics, maybe throw me a bone, post one more...
wow, my heart hurts a little bit seeing these haha. wish id been able to go out.
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