Home from work, jam back a litre of water and a snack, put on the overalls despite the fact that it's the warmest day of the summer thus far. Nance and i load Oskar, and Lutsen and book it for the "secret" spot. It's that time of year when blue gold abounds, the thought of blueberries on your cereal every day for a year keeps you stoked on pickin, even when you might rather be swimmin. Bit of a recon mission this eve, just to get an idea of where things are at. Things are in fact lookin good and the potential is there to cash in on the motherload in the next week, provided Oskar continues to cooperate with dozing in the snugly and Lutsen avoids more skunk encounters...dam he still stinks.
headed in to the aforementioned secret spot

the booty

watch that you don't get these in the booty

photo's by: eric berglund
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