Even as a hearty Canadian, i can't help but think that temps dippin down into the negative 40 celcius range tend to be a bit on the ridiculous side. At first its sorta fun...like, 'wow its dam cold...this is so hardcore'. However, the thought tends to be fleeting and your stuck wishing for something "warmer", like a balmy -10C or -15C. Whatever...it's cold and that's the way it is. Keep at it with the skis and dream about pealing surf that doesn't involve your feet feeling like frozen stumps.
The Quiver

photo by: eric berglund
man it's -15 here and I'm frozen. I've never felt -40 and don't aim to either. keep yer head up I guess. that's what I'm trying to do anyways.
Dude, I hears ya. It was -50 here yesterday morning...
Nice ski collection you got there...
Sounds like whining when in fact you should be celebrating the opportunity to build character!
ahh yes, lest we forget character building...if there is one thing this weather is good for, it is indeed that.
great photo. i can't even comprehend what -40 feels like. thinking of the difference from 40 to 0, then applying that. yikes.
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